IOASD Publisher


At IOASD Publisher, we are committed to making high-quality research freely accessible to the global academic community through our open-access publishing model. To support the costs of the editorial and publishing processes, we apply Article Processing Charges (APC) for accepted manuscripts. These charges help cover the costs associated with peer review, editorial handling, production, and dissemination of articles.

APC Details:

The APC is required once your manuscript is accepted for publication and is payable upon receipt of the acceptance letter.

The amount of the APC varies depending on the journal or book series. For specific APC rates, please refer to the journal’s submission guidelines or contact the editorial team.

Payment Options:

APC payments can be made through secure online payment methods. Detailed instructions will be provided once your manuscript is accepted for publication.

Waivers and Discounts:

IOASD Publisher offers waivers or discounts on APCs in certain cases, particularly for authors from low-income countries or those with financial constraints. If you believe you are eligible for a waiver or discount, please contact the editorial office for further assistance.

By publishing with IOASD Publisher, authors contribute to the advancement of open-access scholarship and ensure that their research reaches a wide, global audience. If you have any questions or concerns about the APC or require more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at