IOASD Publisher


About the Publisher
IOASD Publisher is an international open access journal publisher headquartered in India, functioning as a unit of IOASD Education Private Limited. Our primary goal is to provide scholars and researchers around the world with a platform for rapid academic publishing and free access to high-quality research. We are dedicated to creating a seamless, efficient, and transparent publishing experience for researchers across various disciplines. By maintaining the highest standards of quality and service, we aim to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and foster innovation globally.

At IOASD Publisher, we understand the importance of open access in academic research, and we are committed to ensuring that valuable scholarly work is made available to the global community without barriers. Our team works tirelessly to improve the publishing process, from manuscript submission to final publication, ensuring that researchers have access to cutting-edge research and developments in their fields. Our journals cover a wide array of academic disciplines, addressing the evolving needs of scholars and researchers around the world.

We are also driven by a passion for advancing scientific research and innovation. Through our publications, conferences, and educational activities, we inspire a global community of scientists, researchers, and professionals, facilitating knowledge exchange and fostering collaborations across borders. At IOASD Publisher, we believe in the power of research to bring about positive change, and we strive to give researchers the recognition they deserve. Our efforts ensure that scientists and scholars can play an integral role in the global scientific community, driving progress and solutions for the betterment of humanity.

Our Mission
Our mission is to provide the latest updates on discoveries, technological advancements, and ongoing research in science and technology. We aim to serve as a trusted resource for academicians, researchers, and scholars who seek reliable, easily accessible, and up-to-date information in their fields. Through our open access journals, we strive to bridge the gap between academic research and global knowledge sharing, ensuring that valuable insights are available to the broader community without barriers.

Our Vision
IOASD Publisher is committed to ensuring the highest quality in the research and review articles we publish. We aim to set a global standard for excellence in academic publishing. Our editorial process is rooted in a rigorous peer review system, supported by a dedicated team of reputable experts from diverse disciplines. By adhering to international research publishing standards, we ensure that every article we publish meets the highest academic and ethical standards. Our vision is to foster the timely and effective dissemination of research that makes a significant impact on the academic world and beyond, empowering scholars to contribute to global scientific progress.