A Publisher of Journals, Books and other Academic Resoources
About the Journal:
IOASD Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 3049-0294 (Online) | ISSN: XXXX-XXXX (Print) is an international, quarterly open access, peer reviewed journal published by IOASD Publisher, India. The objective of this journal is to publish mainly research, reviews, case reports, short communications, research findings, editorial comments, letter to editor and other studies within the whole field of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
IOASD Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences includes all major disciplines and sub disciplines of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Sciences like- Medicine, Surgery, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Cytology, Embryology, Epidemiology, Genetics, Histology, Immunology, Medical physics, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Neuroscience, Nutrition science, Pathology, Pharmacology, Photobiology, Physiology, Radiobiology, Toxicology, Anesthesiology, Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics and gynecology, Oncology, Surgery, Ophthalmic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Otorhinolaryngology(ENT), Pediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Thoracic surgery, Transplant Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Urology , Vascular Surgery, Angiology/Vascular Medicine, Cardiology, Critical care medicine, Dermatology, Emergency medicine, Endocrinology, Family medicine, Forensic medicine, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Hematology, Hepatology, Hospice and palliative medicine, Infectious disease, Intensive care medicine, Nephrology, Palliative care, Psychiatry, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, Sports Medicine, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry and other applied fields.
Open Access Policy:
The journal allows immediate open access to its content on making freely available to the global exchange of knowledge in non-commercial purpose. Manuscripts are published under the CC-BY-NC license, which allows the manuscript to be freely shared or used, as long as attribution is given for non-commercial purpose. Authors can freely to post the published manuscript on personal websites, institutional repositories, and any other database.
Publication Ethics
Plagiarism and duplicate submission:
Plagiarism is duplicating the precise of publishing information. IOASD Publisher cross checks each submitted manuscript that is been submitted to any of its associate publishing journal. Any article that has incompletely/totally with plagiarized information will be dismissed promptly. Manuscripts submitted to IOASD Publisher should not have been published before and not concurrently be submitted elsewhere. If duplicate submission is detected during peer review, the manuscript may be rejected. If it is detected after publication, the manuscript may be retracted.